I'm Riya Saxena, exploring the intersections of machine learning and geography to understand our world on a deeper level.

About Me

About Me

I'm a fourth-year student at IIT Roorkee, studying Geology. I've been learning a lot about Machine Learning recently. I'm interested in how we can use technology to understand more about the Earth. Combining what I know about rocks and what I'm learning about computers, I'm working on projects that mix both subjects. I'm excited to keep exploring this mix of Geology and Machine Learning as I finish my degree. My goal is to find new ways to use technology to understand how the Earth works. Download my resume from the download icon below.



Optimised Interpolation using ML

Working with Prof. AK Saraf on finding the optimal interpolation technique for different geospatial data modalities.

Corporate Internship

Worked in Machine Learning Role at basys.ai, acta.ai, Stride.ai, Athena Automation.

Research Internship

Worked with Prof. Yllias Chali at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada on text summarisation using graph neural networks.


Contributed to networkx/outreachy, ModECI/MDF, gdsc-gvp/Machine-learning


Bronze Medalist in Inter-IIT TechMeet 12.0, 11.0

Abstract Selection at Halliburton AI/ML Innovation Challenge